Unless otherwise specified, the below Purchase Order Quality Clauses apply to all purchase orders received from Central Valley Machine, Inc.:
The seller shall notify CVM of all nonconformances resulting from the manufacture or testing of products provided by CVM. When nonconforming products are returned to CVM, they shall be clearly marked and segregated. The seller is not authorized to perform material review action of nonconforming products.
Seller shall include with each shipment a Certificate of Conformance stating that parts and materials used in the manufacture of items furnished under this purchase order/contract were verified and found to be in compliance with applicable specifications. Certificate of Conformance must be signed by an authorized representative and reflect all CVM purchase order information necessary to identify the product including; part number and revision, quantity, applicable specifications and revisions, lot number(s) and CVM P.O. number.
CVM, CVM Customers, and Regulatory Agencies reserve the right to conduct surveillance at the seller’s facility including, sub-tier facilities.
The seller shall notify CVM of any change of the seller’s or sub-tier seller’s facility location, point of manufacture, and product or process changes that may affect overall product quality.
Unless otherwise specified, seller shall maintain quality records traceable to the conformance of product/part numbers delivered to CVM. Records shall be maintained for a period of (20) years from date of shipment of product and shall be made available to regulatory authorities and CVM authorized representatives as requested.
Central Valley Machine must authorize any work subcontracted from this purchase order, in advance, and in writing. When subcontract work is authorized, seller shall flow down to sub-tier sellers all applicable purchase order requirements including key characteristics where required.
Seller must ensure that all items shipped under this Purchase Order are adequately packed and/or packaged. Unless otherwise specified on the Purchase Order, Seller must use best commercial practices in packaging to prevent loss, damage, contamination and/or deterioration to all items during transit.
Calibrations shall be performed in accordance with ISO 17025. Measurement standards shall be traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Chemical and/or physical test reports (as required by specification for each lot/heat/batch) shall be included with each material shipment to CVM.
Seller shall comply with Boeing Quality Clause Q29, including requirements of Boeing Form X31764. If seller does not have access to the Q29 document, please contact CVM for assistance.
CVM shall plan, implement and control processes, appropriate to the organization and the product, for the prevention of counterfeit or suspect counterfeit parts/materials use and their inclusion in product(s) delivered to the customer.
Seller shall ensure that employees performing work are competent on basis of education, training and experience. Employees performing special processes will be qualified, requalified and certified as applicable.
Seller communication with CVM should generally be made through the respective Project Manager. Seller performance will be reviewed periodically and if necessary, seller will be required to respond to corrective action requests.
CVM requires seller assessment/reassessment, at a minimum of every three years (poor performance will require more frequent assessment).
CVM purchasing documents will identify requirements for special tests, inspection requirements and critical/key characteristics.
In the event seller uses statistical process controls, it will be based on industry accepted statistical methods and specified on the certification documents.
Seller is required to maintain a Quality Management System certified to, at minimum, ISO9001 or approved by CVM.
Seller will ensure that their employees understand their contribution to product safety, product conformity and the importance of ethical behavior.
Deliverable items shall be free of Foreign Object Debris (FOD) that can be detected by a visual inspection. The Supplier shall document and investigate all FOD incidents assuring elimination of the root cause.